Dear Parents

Re: Saint Kentigern College Ball 2010

You will all be aware of the great deal of publicity regarding After Ball functions and that local body authorities and the Police have taken a hard line on the supply of alcohol to minors.

I am pleased that the After Ball function, organised by respected parents of the College, will go ahead without alcohol and it is tremendous to think that young people can enjoy themselves on this special occasion in this manner.

A number of pupils may decide not to attend this function. If this is the case with your son or daughter you will need to collect them from the Langham Hotel at 11:30pm. Can I strongly advise you to be aware of their whereabouts and if you are having a group at your house, to make sure that the numbers are severely restricted to no more than twenty and that you are supported by other parents or friends. If wine and beer is to be served then ensure that water and soft drinks are available along with good amounts of food.

There is little doubt that segments of the media have a real interest in these events and it would be a great shame if the behaviour of your son or daughter was in any way spotlighted which would bring shame on them, your family, the College and the reputation of Saint Kentigern.

Like most adults, I am not against youngsters having a good time. This is an inseparable part of growing up but, like you, I abhor the binge drinking culture with the obvious dangers it presents and the negative effects that it has on youngsters in so many ways. Their well being is our greatest concern.

Kind regards

Steve Cole